Wednesday, June 9, 2010

The First of Many...or Maybe Not

I have some time on my hands from being unemployed, so I decided to blog. I'm sure some may say that if I have time on my hands, I should be looking for a job. I'm doing that too, along with laundry, cleaning, cooking and driving the kids around. You know, mom stuff. Just kidding!

I lost my job November 30, 2009. I knew it was coming. I was in the construction products industry. I'll explain in future writings why I knew this was coming besides the obvious...THE ECONOMY! Since November, I have been on numerous interviews. Some pretty good, some pretty bad. My intention is to blog my job search process and hopefully get people to respond to some of the things I say and do. Rip me apart if you like, or make me feel good and praise me. I won't be mentioning names because I don't want future employers viewing this blog knowing it's me.

I titled this "The First of Many... or Maybe Not" because I figured if I get a job I would quit blogging. Then again, I could always change the title to something else if people care to read and follow.

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